Intelligence Tests for Children

As parents, we sometimes seem overly eager to obtain that magic number known as an IQ score. An intelligence quotient test, or IQ test, is a common way to find out how a young child's mind is developing. Most schools don't offer IQ examinations for students, leaving parents searching for alternative options when it comes to identifying core academic skill levels.

Children's IQ Test

To compensate for differing abilities of young children, good examinations include multiple methods to assess a child's core knowledge. In the past, only one type of intelligence was recognized by educators or psychologists. However, that concept has changed dramatically with experts recognizing that there are multiple types of intelligence and they often peak at different life stages.

An Ability to Learn

Schools often expect new kindergarten students to already possess a certain amount of experience and understanding as a result of preschool. Many freely available Kindergarten Readiness Tests provide insight into a child's school readiness and can be completed by parents in a relatively quick manner. These tests are considered part of determining a child's ability and readiness to learn as part of their IQ but may not necessarily provide a numerical score.

Learning in Different Ways

The first IQ tests were developed by William Stern and based on an average numerical score of 100 with most individuals ranging from 70 to 130. Used in the early 1900's by psychologists to try to understand intelligence, the tests were meant to ascertain if income or heredity determined someone's IQ!

Since that time, new tests use other methods to determine academic knowledge. Areas that were once considered strong indicators of intelligence have been debunked and replaced with more modern counterparts. For example, experts now know that an extensive vocabulary may not necessarily indicate a high IQ, because each individual learns in different ways. Instead of excelling verbally, a young child may learn better using mathematical concepts or spatial visualization.

Benefits of IQ Tests For Children

There are great benefits to understanding your child's strengths and areas for improvement. Whether you have an intelligence test performed by a school psychologist or conduct your own assessment from online materials, understanding how your child learns and ways you can help them develop will be invaluable as they begin formal education. By focusing on your child's unique learning needs instead of a magic number or IQ score, you'll be better prepared to assist with areas that can provide the most benefit throughout their school years and their lives.

Want to get a head-start on kindergarten preparation? The KinderIQ free Kindergarten Readiness Test features dozens of online questions to help you assess your child's readiness for school and allows you to compare your responses to thousands of other parents so you know where to focus future learning activities.