This is the simplest game to play and often the most enjoyable for most toddlers. All that is needed are items that make noise. Look around your home, especially the kitchen cabinets. Plastic bowls placed upside down on the floor make great drums and wooden spoons work well for the drum sticks. Metal lids to sauce pans work well for cymbals. Looking for a maraca? Try a plastic container filled with dry pasta. Holiday decorations are great places to look for bells that mimic a tambourine. Get creative with your child. He or she will love making noise no matter how fancy the instrument.
Kids love music and, even more, they love making a lot of noise. Encourage it in a structured way by pretending to be a marching band. Grab any musical instruments that she may already have or make some out of household items that are available to you.
For example, give your child a wooden spoon and a plastic bowl and she's got herself a drum. Uncooked macaroni inside of a sealed plastic container rattles just like a maraca and bells from holiday decorations make a great replacement for a tambourine. After you've got all the musical instruments ready, line up with your child at the front of the parade and make your way around the house playing as if both of you are in a real marching band.
Kids love music so why not turn off the television and turn on the stereo to uplifting music with a great dancing beat. Go wild with your child dancing around the house laughing and truly enjoying yourselves. The more you get into it, the more your child will get into it and dance off any pent up energy she may have.
If Freeze Dance is the option there are several ways to go about it. The easiest way is to simply play the music and dance. When the music is turned off everybody freezes until the music turns back on again. If your child wants to get into the freezing action but is not allowed to touch the power button on the stereo that is playing, simple red and green signs may be constructed that she can use to accomplish the same thing.
Using two pieces of construction paper, one red and one green, and two wooden sticks along with glue you and your child can create stop and go signs together. Draw a circle on each piece of paper that will be the size of your sign. Cut out the circles. On the red circle write STOP. On the green circle write GO. Using the glue attach the wooden stick to the sign. After the signs are dry and ready to be used, your child can hold one sign in each hand and simply raise the red STOP sign when it's time to freeze and then raise the green GO sign when it's time to dance again.
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