Does your toddler have a sock drawer that is complete chaos? Organize it with the help of your child. Sorting socks is a great way for your child to feel helpful and learn to recognize similarities of objects while you accomplish a goal of cleaning up the mismatched mayhem. This also works well on laundry day when there may be piles of socks to sort through for the entire family. She will love to see how big her parent's socks are in comparison to her socks.
Sorting doesn't need to stop there. Does she have building blocks to play with that are different shapes and colors? Dump them out on the floor and ask her to help you make piles of the same color or shape. Say the colors and shapes aloud so that she may begin to recognize the names of each and repeat them as well. Before long she will be able to tell you what color and shape they are.
This game is a great way to introduce your child to counting, addition and subtraction while getting in a healthy snack at the same time. Put out a counted number of dry cereal pieces such as 10, on a table in front of your child while keeping more handy in a bowl out of sight. Count each piece as you slowly move it closer to your child.
For example, put your finger on one piece of cereal and say, "This is one" while you move it closer to your child. Next, put your finger on another piece of cereal and move that one next to the first saying, "Plus one makes two. This is one, two." Follow this until all 10 are in front of your child. If she hasn't eaten any yet, ask her to choose one to eat and then count the pieces that are left. Add some more from your reserve bowl. When they are all eaten the game is finished.
We've all seen those colorful stacking rings on a pole sold by most retailers, but have you ever thought of anything else to do with them besides align them by size on a pole? Sit down on the floor with your child and watch your child's eyes light up in amazement when you stand a ring up on its side and let it roll on the floor.
Twirling the rings also brings lots of laughs from the little ones as well. As your child gets more control over her motor skills, let her join in the fun. Each of you sits in an opposite side of the room and rolls your rings toward each other. If there's a crash in the center, cheer! If not, try again. This game works well with other toys besides rings. Try using a ball or even small toy cars.
Create a list of rhyming words and write them down on paper. Ask your child if he or she can make a sentence using the words listed. If it seems to difficult, give it a try yourself to get the ball rolling. Make the sentences silly and laugh along to keep the moment light hearted and fun.
The following activities can be accomplished using 100 blank index cards and a permanent marker. Simply write a number on each one beginning with number 1 and ending with number 100. If you already have flash cards that are blank on one side those may be used as well. It is important for some of these activities to have a blank side on the cards. Keep the cards handy when you're finished as well. Your child may enjoy simply spreading them out on the floor and looking at them all.
Please note that these activities are appropriate for a wide range of age and knowledge. Tailoring them for your child's level will keep it fun and your child interested.
This activity is great for teaching alternative uses for common items found in the home. Use books to build tunnels for toy cars to drive under by stacking them up in two piles and then using a larger book to connect the tops for a roof. Blocks can be used to build towers for toy trucks to drive through and knock down. Pillows make great mountains for toy animals or cars to climb and fall down from. Paper cups can provide entertainment by stacking them, nesting them or just using them as targets for marbles to be rolled into.
Even for the youngest toddlers, this game is very simple. With parent and child sitting on the floor facing each other the parent rolls the ball toward the toddler. If the toddler gets her hands on it, cheer her on to roll the ball back to you.
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