Utilizing scissors is a skill that takes some work to learn. At first your child may simply make cuts along the outer edges of a piece of paper and accidentally cut out triangle shapes. The next step would be to cut a continuous line. From there your child can learn to cut out shapes. Cutting shapes and then gluing them onto another piece of paper to create a work of art brings whole new life to craft time.
Peeling and sticking stickers to a piece of paper to create a work of art is not only fun and engaging to a child but it also builds fine motor skills. As the child learns to bend the sticker paper just right and grab a hold of a corner of the sticker to peel it off, they are learning more than just accomplishing an immediate goal of getting the sticker.
They are learning patience as they keep trying to get that sticker just right and also building fine motor skills in grasping the sticker to peel it off the paper. Creating works of art are great for building imagination and creativity. This work of art is sure to be one to hang on the refrigerator.
If your little one is a darling girl then she will enjoy dressing up as a mom and taking on the mother role with her dolls and toy friends. Equip her with some plastic spoons and paper bowls and plates that can be handled a bit rough and take the punishment. She will love to feed them and of course change their diapers and give them a bath.
For this you can pretend to change the diaper using nothing more than your imagination and a dry cloth. Pretend to take off the imaginary diaper and then let her "clean" the baby with the dry cloth. Then put on a new imaginary diaper and she's all set and ready for playtime. When it comes time to give the baby a bath, leave out the water if her doll is not able to be submerged. A dry dishpan or baby tub works well and let her imagination take the place of the water. Be on the lookout when your child decides to put her "babies" down for a nap. She may demand that you are quiet so that her babies are not woken up!
If your little one is a boy he will still love to take on the parent role. He may not get into the dressing and caring part of the role play, but he will enjoy showing his "little ones" how to play with his toys and showing them several of his books.
Parent role play is only one option. If you've got a long white button down shirt that your child can wear as a doctor's coat, you're well on your way to role playing doctor or even better, veterinarian. Let your child check out all of her stuffed animals for health and wellness by counting their eyes, ears and noses along with making sure that they can walk and sit up.
Use your imagination to think up more things for your child to check depending on the capabilities of the stuffed animals that are pretend patients. For example, if your child has a stuffed dog that make a barking noise, ask your child to ask the dog questions and let the dog bark for the answers. If your child has another toy that can walk on its own, let your child teach the toy to walk and then reward its accomplishments.
This is a great role-playing game to help teach appropriate behavior in social situations. Get out all of her stuffed animals, dolls or even dinosaurs to be the partiers and set them around the room. The parent will begin the role play by choosing two or more party-goers and start up a conversation between them.
Start with a very simple dialogue such as, "Hi there. How are you today?" Then the other partier can answer, "Very well thank you. How are you?" Maybe one animal would like to play with a toy that another animal already has. The parent may do a simple dialogue to show an example of how to properly ask to play with that toy and how to react to the response of either a yes or no answer. In an effort not to lose the attention of your child, typical party dances and activities with the animals should add to the fun factor of this game.
You will need a paper plate, scissors, construction paper, glue, makers or crayons and a wooden stick for the handle. It is easier to cut out the holes for the eyes first. Let your child go wild with creativity cutting shapes and designs and then gluing them onto the paper plate mask. Use the crayons and markers to color and decorate as well. When your child is satisfied with the decorations, use the glue to attach the wooden stick onto the paper plate for the handle.
Believe it or not your kindergartener will love to play school at home. Let your child choose who plays which role and stay on your toes with sudden changes as he or she alters the role play until they are satisfied with the outcome. Let your child have control of this game whether you're playing the teacher or the student. You may be surprised at how much he or she has absorbed at school.
Sure this is one of the messiest playtime activities that your preschooler can get into, but let's face it: preschoolers love to get messy! Do this activity in a controlled environment by making sure your child has on clothes that can take a stain or two and is in a place that is easy to clean up afterward. Then sit back and let her go. Her smile will be reward enough that this activity is worth any amount of mess and the work of art that she will create can be hung on a wall to show how her creativity is blossoming.
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